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Snail Mucin

Snail Mucin (Schneckenschleim)

Mucin is a snail mucus rich in useful substances and beneficial for human skin.

Snail mucin prolongs the youthfulness of skin. Mucin-based cosmetics are best known for their anti-aging effects: clinically proven to smooth the skin, reducing the number of wrinkles by an average of 29% and their depth by 16%.

Mucin contains a large amount of elastin, collagen, which is similar to human. The composition also contains glycolic and hyaluronic acids, antioxidants, vitamins A, B, E. Snail mucin accelerates the regeneration of skin cells, nourishes and softens the skin, evens out the tone of the face, eliminates inflammation and flaking.

With regular use of products with mucin, you will get rid of acne, irritation. Mucus has an antimicrobial effect, protects the skin from free radicals, removes toxins. The advantage of mucin is that it allows air to pass through, allowing the skin to breathe.

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